JAKARTA - Ajax Amsterdam CEO, Edwin van der Sar, recently suffered a brain hemorrhage while on vacation in Croatia. However, currently Van der Sar's condition is gradually stable.

Edwin van der Sar's wife, Annemarie, said that although it had started to stabilize, Van der Sar still needed intensive care at the hospital.

"Edwin is still in the intensive care unit, but stable. He is not in a critical condition that is life-threatening," said Annemarie.

"Every time we visit him, he is communicative. We have to wait patiently to see the progress," he continued, quoted from Ajax Amsterdam's official website via Antara, Wednesday, July 12.

Van der sar, who used to actively play goalkeeper, enjoyed a vacation with his family, his daughter Lynn and friends at the Carpe Diem Bar in Hvar last week.

The former goalkeeper for the Dutch national team fainted and needed help so he had to be taken by helicopter to get immediate help.

Currently Van Der Sar is the CEO of Ajax Amsterdam. But the former Dutch national team goalkeeper has declared his resignation in May following the poor results of the club that finished third in the Dutch League.

However, Ajax still tied Van Der Sar until August for the transition period.

During his career as goalkeeper, Van Der Sar has presented a Champions League trophy for Manchester United and Ajax Amsterdam.

Van Der Sar decided to hang up his gloves in 2011 after Manchester United lost to Barcelona in the Champions League final.

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