JAKARTA A Neymar fan in Brazil made headlines because he wanted to hand over his land to the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) player.

The anonymous fan identified himself with the striker Les Parisiens in an interview with Metropoles. In addition, he also claimed to be a fan of the Brazilian national team.

"I love Neymar. I really identify myself with him. I also suffer from slander, I am also very family-oriented and the relationship with his father reminds me of my relationship with my father, who has passed away," he said.

The 31-year-old fan said he is currently in bad health. He then revealed that he did not want to leave his property to his closest relatives or relatives.

"I'm not in good health and, because of that, I really realized that I don't have anyone to leave my belongings with. I don't want the government or relatives who are not familiar with me to take my belongings," he said.

He explained that he had tried to hand over his assets during his lifetime, but he was advised to make a will. He did then and has been announced.

"The heir's last will letter is real, which with respect for his validity, determines that the portion available from his property will be handed over to Neymar da Silva Santos Jr," he said.

The fan's decision to hand over his land for Neymar has received a lot of criticism. They said that the decision made no sense.

Meanwhile, another said that Neymar did not need the legacy because he is currently one of the athletes with a very large income.

Neymar has made around $85 million over the past year. That number places him ranked 12th on Forbes' list of highest-paid athletes in the world.

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