JAKARTA - Cristiano Ronaldo successfully broke a bad assumption about his performance with Al Nassr. He again appeared sharp after scoring a goal with a 32-meter free kick in the match against Abha. In the match which took place on Sunday, March 19 in the early hours of WIB, Ronaldo became one of the goalscorers from a 2-1 win over Abha. The goal occurred in the 78th minute to keep up with the opponent's advantage. Ronaldo recorded his name on the scoreboard through a free kick which was so fast hitting Abha's right-hand side of the goal. Goalkeeper Devis Epassy couldn't even stop him. After that, Al Nassr's winning goal was scored by Talisca from the spot in the 86th minute. The former Real Madrid player couldn't hide his happiness after contributing one goal in Al Nassr's victory. Ronaldo's booking was poured in his latest Instagram upload. "A great pleasure was able to win and was very happy to score here, at the stadium with the fans," Ronaldo wrote in an Instagram upload.Ronaldo also showed off a series of photos when taking a free kick and celebrated goals with his club nicknamed Al Alami.

The moment of the free kick that resulted in the goal became something to celebrate. Because the Portugal captain had not scored from set pieces. Ronaldo last scored from a free kick when he was still in Manchester United's costume, precisely when the Red Devils beat Norwich City on April 16, 2022.

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