YOGYAKARTA Becoming a reliable chess player to getting a grandmaster title is a dream from the chess players. Of the millions of chess athletes around the world, there are 1500 chess players who received the chess grandmaster title.

The Federation of World Chess (Federation Internationale des Echecs/FIDE) gives the appropriate title to chess athletes based on their achievements. The highest title is the grandmaster.

A chess player will be given a grandmaster's title when he has reached elongation rating, and gets a normal title (title norm). Title norms are given based on the performance of players in norms. So, how to become a chess grandmaster?

Quoted by VOI from the Chess page, here's how to become a chess grandmaster recognized by FIDE:

Playing chess early on makes it easier for someone to become more fluent. Moreover, chess is a complex sport and takes years to control.

A child who has played chess from the age of five to eight years, on average has a good start. At this age, the child's brain can absorb all lessons, tactics, and basic new ideas to become a reliable chess player.

Still from Chess, a chess grandmaster from Russia, Garry Kasparov, worked very hard and was oriented to become a fluent chess player.

In addition, discipline and routine learning of three stages of chess, such as opening, mid-game, and final games can also strengthen chess skills.

Finding a great chess coach who can guide in every process, can also help you to develop. A reliable coach will show your weaknesses and strengths, and make learning more efficient.

You will never become a chess grandmaster if you never enter a chess tournament. A chess player who has participated in thousands of games and learned a lot from defeats, will become a stronger player.

In addition, participating in chess competition also gives you the opportunity to test new knowledge, learn about competition psychology, train time management, and gain the necessary experience to become a reliable chess player.

Just so you know, Norma is a chess tournament that is attended by at least three grandmasters from different countries. This competition imposes time control of at least 120 minutes and you have to play at least nine rounds, some against the grandmaster. In order for tournaments to qualify as a norm, competition must be monitored by international arbitraries.

Well, a chess player who wants to get a grandmaster title should at least play in three norms and earn at least 2600 Elo performances in each tournament.

So far, the Federation Catur International has created an ELO Rating system to determine chess players in the world.

Not only that, ELO Rating is also the determinant of the chess title recognized by FIDE. To get the grandmaster title, a chess player must pass the 2500 rating requirement.

That's the information on how to become a chess grandmaster recognized by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). May it be useful!

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