JAKARTA Argentine national team player Julian Alvarez seems to really enjoy the trip at Qatar's 2022 World Cup. This is because he came to the quadrennial event with his sexy lover Emilia F

While in the Middle East, the two of them often expressed intimacy on social media. Emilia always regularly shows romance with her lover.

It can be seen from Emilia's posts on social media. In the latest upload that shows her photo from the background of the Lusail Stadium, she even embeds romantic messages in the description column.

"I will follow you wherever you ask me," Emilia wrote after Argentina beat Mexico in the second group stage match after the defeat to Saudi Arabia.

Emilia also wrote a message that was no less romantic when Argentina made sure to qualify for the round of 16. She uploaded a selfie while kissing her lover with the caption: "I love you".

Alvarez, who scored an incredible goal for his country in a win against Poland on Wednesday, immediately responded to his girlfriend's romantic message.

He re-uploaded the post on Instagram Story with the message: "I love you too".

Emilia, who is a hockey player, comes from Calchin village in Cordoba. It was also the birthplace of his lover who was a former River Plate frontman.

The two are thought to have been dating for the first time about five years ago. However, their love affair only came to light after Alvarez moved to British giant Manchester City ahead of this season.

Alvarez has now solidified his place at Argentina's starting line-up Lionel Scaloni. His position was even more irreplaceable after he scored against Mexico and then fought Australia in the last 16.

The 22-year-old has scored seven goals in 20 games for Manchester City. However, he played more from the bench or in a slightly wide position due to Erling Haaland in Pep Guardiola's squad.

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