JAKARTA - FIFA affirms to countries such as Belgium, England, Wales, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland that their captain can be given a yellow card if he continues to wear symbols promoting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

Belgium, in this case team captain Eden Hazard, finally chose not to use the 'One Love' armband in their opening match of the 2022 World Cup against Canada which ended 1-0 for the Red Devils.

After the match, Hazard was asked for his response to the ban.

"I don't feel comfortable talking about this because I'm just here to play football," Hazard told media.

"They warned us about the threat of a yellow card and we don't want to start the game with a yellow card. That would be a problem for the rest of the competition."

Hazard then shocked many by making fun of Germany's defeat to Japan.

German players covered their mouths in pre-match photos to show they felt restricted by the issue of 'One Love'.

"They lost, so it's better for them not to do it (turn their mouths shut) and win," Hazard said of the action.

"We are here to play football. I want to focus on football, rather than sending political messages."

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