JAKARTA - PSSI decided to accelerate the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) of Elections. The decision was made after the national football parent received direction from the International Football Federation (FIFA).

The decision to speed up the KLB was made at the Executive Committee (Exco) meeting after FIFA responded to PSSI's letter regarding the acceleration of the 2023 congress on Thursday, November 10 yesterday.

FIFA in its letter to PSSI stated that they wanted the Ordinary Congress for the Election Committee (KP) and the Election Appeal Committee (KBP) to be held on January 14, 2023.

They then emphasized that the Extraordinary Congress for the Executive Election of the Committee (Ketum, Waketum, members of the Executive Committee) was rolled out on February 16, 2023.

"We have received a letter from FIFA regarding the congress. Initially we planned an ordinary congress for the election of KP and KBP on January 7 and an extraordinary congress for the election of the entire Executive Committee on March 18," said PSSI Secretary General Yunus Nusi, as reported by the PSSI website, Friday 11 November.

"However, there has been a change through a letter from FIFA and we will follow the direction of FIFA. We hereby immediately send a letter to all PSSI voters regarding changes to the congress date according to the answer from the FIFA letter," he added.

The elected KP and KBP will work to process towards the general chairman election congress, vice chairman, and executive committee members on February 16, 2023.

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