JAKARTA - Komnas HAM recommends a temporary suspension of all national football matches. This is the aftermath of the investigation into the Malang Ferry Tragedy case.

However, this recommendation received criticism from many parties, including from participating clubs. They considered that Komnas HAM's recommendations were not wise.

Liga 1 participating clubs considered that the recommendation did not embrace football's aspects. Komnas HAM is considered not to see from the perspective how football can roll back.

"Komnas HAM should recommend, for example, for the safety of spectators, in holding a football competition, it must pay attention to what the hours are broadcast or other instruments," said Madura United President Achsanul Qosasi.

"It's not football. If this is the case, Komnas HAM is a bit offside," he continued, as quoted from Antara, Monday, November 7, 2022.

Persib Bandung official, Umuh Muchtar, also disagreed with Komnas HAM's recommendations. He asked Komnas HAM not to be rash in issuing recommendations.

Umuh revealed, many people depend on football. "If it's stopped, what about their fate?" he said.

In addition, Umuh is also worried that the recommendation from Komnas HAM could lead to FIFA sanctions. The reason is, this can be seen as a form of intervention from a third party.

"If it's banned for eight years, everyone cry. What do you want to be?" said Umuh again.

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