PONTIANAK - The Kapuas Hulu Regency Futsal Men's Team is optimistic that it will enter the final at the West Kalimantan Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) which is currently taking place at the Pontianak City Pangsuma Indoor.

"For the time being, the Futsal Putra Team leads the standings with 3 points over Landak and Bengkayang Regencies," said Head of the Kapuas Hulu Futsal Association Aloysius Fajar Panurian as reported by Antara, Sunday, November 6.

Aloysius said that the West Kalimantan Porprov Futsal match began on November 3, 2022, which was attended by 14 regencies and cities in West Kalimantan Province.

In his inaugural match, the Kapuas Hulu Men's Team won from Landak Regency with a score of 2-0.

He said the Kapuas Hulu Men's Team would again compete against Bengkayang Regency on Monday 7 November at 15.00 WIB.

"Our target is to enter the top four and we are also optimistic that we can enter the final," he said.

It is known that in the implementation of the West Kalimantan Porprov, Kapuas Hulu Regency sent 12 Men's Team and 12 Women's Teams.

"We from the Futsal sport are still struggling to touch the name Kapuas Hulu, we ask for prayers from the entire community so that the Kapuas Hulu Futsal Team can give the best in the Porprov event this time," he asked.

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