JAKARTA - Mike Tyson has become a public conversation again. This time, he appeared in better condition.

The world boxing legend worried fans last month. At that time, he was seen using a stick to walk into a hotel lobby in New York.

A few weeks later, he was spotted sitting in a wheelchair holding a stick while in Miami. It happened shortly after he claimed in a podcast he would "soon" die.

However, a different view was seen when Mike Tyson was in New York watching Serena Williams at the US Open 2022, Monday, August 29, evening local time.

Using a gray blazer combined with a purple shirt, it runs without a stick, let alone a wheelchair.

Mike Tyson mingled with a number of stars who wanted to watch Serena's game. It looks like Lindsey Vonn and Hugh Jackman are also present.

In fact, the former US President, Bill Clinton, also took the time to watch Serena's game. Understandably, it could be his last game because the athlete has declared retirement after the US Open 2022.

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