MEDAN - PSMS Medan brought 20 players to play their inaugural match in Liga 2 2022-2023 against the host PSKC Cimahi at Si Jalak Harupat Stadium, Bandung, Tuesday, August 30.

PSMS Media Officer, Aldi Marbun said, 20 players who were brought to play the away match have now arrived in Bandung.

However, the 20 players brought did not include senior Supardi Nasir and Andre Sitepu, who are estimated to be fit from the injuries suffered.

"Although both of them were not brought because they were still injured, the coach certainly already had alternative substitutes. Hopefully in the next match both of them will be able to play again," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 28.

Meanwhile, regarding the goalkeeper who will be fielded against PSKC Cimahi, goalkeeper coach Fauzal Mubarak said his party had not yet determined.

According to him, his party does not want to give the title of who is the goalkeeper of the main choice and the cover between Rohim and Adixi.

However, whose choice the goalkeeper will be fielded from the first minute, continued Fauzal, will be decided by the head coach after discussing with the coaching team.

"For me, there is no term goalkeeper 1 or goalkeeper 2. It's all the same. So who every practice session enters everything in every material, so it becomes the reference material to be chosen before kick-off," he said.

"This means that until the D day, the head coach will decide. But before that there must be a discussion first to determine which goalkeepers will be sent down," he said

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