JAKARTA - Since setting foot at Goodisan Park, manager Carlo Ancelotti has received a positive response from the Everton public. Don Carletto even made special chants by the supporters.

The chants first appeared after Everton beat Newcastle United at the end of December 2019. To repay the appreciation given by supporters, the Italian man was determined to memorize the chants.

"Carlo Fantastico. Carlo Magnifico. Ole Ole Ancelotti," read the short lyrics of the cheerful chants that were milling about on social media for Everton supporters.

Ancelotti said he was happy and enjoyed the chants and plans to memorize them immediately.

"The welcome I got was fantastic. That the fans made chants really made me happy," Ancelotti said as quoted by Everton's official website, Friday, January 17.

"I enjoyed it. I have to memorize it, the lyrics are not that difficult," he added.

Indirectly, Ancelotti also hopes to win a trophy for Everton in the near future.

Moreover, he arrived with a high reputation and track record of many titles in the teams he worked with before, including three Champions League trophies with AC Milan and Real Madrid.

"I love singing. I usually sing when I win a trophy. I really want to sing right away," said Ancelotti.

It's just that maybe Ancelotti will have to wait until next season to be able to "sing". You see, this season Everton have no chance to win any competition.

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