JAKARTA - The Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) made a surprising decision. Due to budget constraints from the government, KOI was forced to reduce the number of Indonesian contingents at the 2021 SEA Games Hanoi.

This decision was taken after the Executive Committee meeting that discussed several important points, Tuesday, March 22 yesterday. In the meeting, KOI reviewed the sports and options used as a solution to budget constraints.

"We need to reduce the number of contingents, considering the concept applied at the SEA Games is a combat concept, not an exercise. We use a lean and efficient scheme," said Secretary General of KOI, Ferry Kono, as reported by Antara.

With budget constraints, KOI must also limit the quota of trainers and support personnel sent to the SEA Games. With this limitation, KOI will ask for supporting staff, such as doctors and masseurs from certain sports, to try to help each other.

Ferry explained that KOI had also sent recommendations to the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora). He did not specify the number of branches and athletes proposed to be sent to the SEA Games.

However, Ferry had said that KOI would only send a maximum of 500 athletes to the biennial multievent. This number is far less than the Indonesian contingent that appeared at the 2019 Philippines SEA Games, which was 841 athletes.

"The recommendations that we have sent have met the specified parameters, namely the DBON and non-DBON branches, which have the opportunity to get medals, both gold, silver and bronze as well as the potential of junior athletes," said Ferry.

KOI will then hold a meeting to discuss the recommendation as a reference for filling in the entry-by-name contingent to the SEA Games, which will end on March 31.

"The decision certainly cannot satisfy all parties, but we open options for sports that can be independently financed by the national federation, of course with special parameters. So even though they are independent, they still need to ensure athletes are able to compete and become a benchmark for coaching," he concluded.

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