MANDALIKA - Indonesian racer, Mario Suryo Aji, finished 14th in the Mandalika Moto3 race. He also has the right to get points at the Mandalila Circuit.

The Moto3 race at the Mandalika Circuit was won by Leopard Racing's Dennis Foggia. While the second position was occupied by Izan Guevara (Aspar Team) and in third place was filled by Carlos Tatay (CFMoto Racing Prüstel GP).

Starting from the third position, Mario Aji actually started the race quite well. However, unfortunately he had to be willing to go down to seventh position after the start.

Mario Aji's position has slumped after being overtaken by Daniel Holgado and Denis Oncu. This can not be separated from the speed of the motorbike that can't compete with the racers in front of him.

The longer, Mario Aji further away from the leading group. He also had to be willing to be overtaken by other racers because it seemed difficult to compete.

When the race was left with 16 laps, Mario Aji had dropped to 16th position. The Honda Team Asia racer was back down three positions with seven laps remaining in the race.

Disaster happened, one lap later. Mario Aji received a long lap penalty. This made him even more distant from the racer in front of him.

Meanwhile, the competition for the second place was fierce. There are six riders who overtake each other to fight for the second position.

Fierce competition occurred on the last lap and created many incidents. There were four drivers involved in the two crashes.

This provides an advantage for Mario Aji. He eventually finished in 14th position and earned two points at home.

With this result, Mario Aji now occupies the 20th position in the drivers' standings with two points.

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