JAKARTA - The absence of Cristiano Ronaldo when Manchester United lost 1-4 to Manchester City is still a mystery. Is it true that the Portuguese star was absent due to injury?

There's a lot of speculation going around. Some say Cristiano Ronaldo was deliberately absent from the game.

Reporting from The Sun, Cristiano Ronaldo sulked because he had been told from the start that he would play as a substitute. The decision was conveyed directly by the manager, Ralf Rangnick.

After being told this, the player who is familiarly called CR7 also complained about a problem with his hip and was expelled from the squad. Instead of joining his teammates, the player chose to return home to Portugal.

Reportedly, Ronaldo's trip to his homeland was unknown to Rangnick, meaning it was not officially approved by MU. This also makes Ronaldo's relationship with a number of senior players at MU increasingly heated.

Put pressure on Rangnick

Ahead of the Manchester United versus Tottenham Hotspur match, Ronaldo put pressure on the manager. The 37-year-old showed he was ready to appear from the start in the match.

This is implied in the player's upload on his Instagram account. There is a photo of the superstar training alone at Carrington in a fit condition, without the hip injury he complained about earlier.

"Hard work towards recovery. Wants to get back on the pitch and help the team," wrote Cristiano Ronaldo in his upload.

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