Drake Loses Rp3.95 Billion Bets For Supporting Masvidal, Covington: He Has To Sell His Bad Album To Get His Money Back
Jorge Masvidal Vs Colby Covington (Twitter @ufc)

JAKARTA - Drake doesn't have much luck when it comes to sporting events. Recently, he lost as much as 275,000 US dollars (Rp3.95 billion) betting on Jorge Masvidal in UFC 272.

The Canadian rapper supported Masvidal against Colby Covington. However, Masvidal actually lost.

"Let's talk about all the money Drake lost tonight," Covington said after the fight, mocking the Toronto native.

"He had to sell his crappy album to get his money back.

"Drake, you suck at betting. Go back to your crappy albums and rap music."

The rapper has a bad habit of publicly expressing support for a sportsman or team. However, he often loses bets rather than wins.

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