Chafidz Yusuf Reluctant To Reveal Reasons For PBSI Not To Extend Its Contract
Chafidz Yusuf (Instagram @greyspolii)

JAKARTA – The assistant coach of women's doubles Chafidz Yusuf did not want to reveal the reasons given by PBSI not to extend her contract. He was afraid it would cause controversy.

Chafidz is officially not at the PBSI National Training Center as of January 24 yesterday. As such, he will no longer accompany head coach Eng Hian.

"Actually, if the reason for not extending the contract, I don't want to explain. Later, there will be more problems," said Chafidz to VOI when contacted by telephone.

Chafidz has a major coaching role in women's doubles. He successfully helped the Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu pair win a gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

However, PBSI itself has yet to issue a reason regarding their decision not to offer a contract extension for Chafidz. This makes a rowdy among badminton lovers in the country.

The badminton parent is considered not to have considered the achievements made by the bespectacled coach. However, Chafidz said that maybe the PBSI management had other considerations.

"If I give a reason (from PBSI) I am afraid that it will cause a problem which will later be used as a discussion material which I might later consider to be able to corner the management," he said.

"That polemic is what I'm guarding. The thing is, in fact, I am a person who has always respected a decision, even though I think that decision there are several arguments that I can convey. But I don't want any polemics as if I'm making trouble for the management. I also don't want to get sympathy," he added.

After not being part of PBSI, Chafidz still has not determined the next step. He said that he would rest while waiting for an offer.

"I want to rest first. Calming the mind and I also want to always be in contact with the players because I still want to provide input and support and enthusiasm that should not stop here, "he said.

Chafidz's career in the national badminton parent has been very good since 2012. Not many know that he is an important figure who first paired the men's doubles of Marcus Fernaldi Gideon and Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo.

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