Hamilton Is Rumored To Be Retiring, Verstappen Gives Unexpected Response
Lewis Hamilton (Instagram @lewishamilton)

JAKARTA - Recently, rumors circulated that Lewis Hamilton's driver would retire from F1. Hamilton reportedly will end his career next season.

Hamilton is said to be planning to retire after his defeat in F1 Abu Dhabi which took place last December 12. At that time, Hamilton lost quickly to Max Verstappen who later won the F1 world title.

The rumors about Hamilton's retirement have actually reached the ears of his rival, Verstappen. However, instead of being happy because there will be a shortage of opponents, the Dutch racer actually gave an unexpected reaction.

Verstappen admits that he understands how Hamilton is feeling right now. But surprisingly, he didn't want his biggest competitor to retire.

Despite his frustration at failing to win, Verstappen hopes Hamilton will continue his career in F1 and use the final Abu Dhabi result as his motivation.

"I can understand that there is frustration. But he himself has to realize that this is a race and similar episodes can happen", said Verstappen as quoted by Tuttomotoriweb, Monday, December 21.

"I think he should look back and reflect on what he has achieved. This will give him a lot of comforts and the necessary encouragement to move forward."

Furthermore, Verstappen also fully supports Hamilton so that he can compete again in F1 2022. Of course, this is to complete his world title to eight.

"He is still trying to win an eighth world title. He will be able to try again next year, so I don't see any reason for him to give up now."

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