JAKARTA - The AFF Cup Instagram account was full of protests by Indonesian netizens. This follows the quarantine decision addressed to Elkan Baggott ahead of the national team match against Vietnam.

Baggott was required to undergo quarantine one day before the Garuda squad against Vietnam in the 2020 AFF Cup Group B continued. The English defender was caught on a plane with a person who was positive for COVID-19 on his way from London to Singapore.

The quarantine decision aimed at Baggott was deemed unreasonable. Because, since arriving in Singapore the defender has had time to participate in defending the national team in the match against Laos.

This decision clearly provoked the emotions of the national team supporters who felt that the match against Vietnam was a game full of prestige. As a form of disappointment, thousands of Indonesian netizens expressed their protest through the comments column of the 2020 AFF Cup Instagram account.

From the observations of VOI, Wednesday, December 15, in the comments column, it can be seen that most netizens think that the AFF Cup committee is unfair to the Indonesian national team. The hashtags #SaveElkan and #AFFUNFAIR then echoed in the upload of the AFF Cup Instagram column showing the Indonesia vs Vietnam schedule.

Not only that, netizens also questioned the AFF's move to allow the Malaysian striker, Safawi Rashid to continue playing even though he was known to be in the same room with Akhyar Rashid who was positive for COVID-19.

"#saveelkan sorry beforehand that there was a difference in treatment between Indonesian and Malaysian players. Why is Safawi Rashid able to keep playing even though he is in the same room with Akhyar Rashid who is positive for covid-19. Meanwhile Elkan Baggott has to be quarantined until December 18 just because of one flight with a Covid-19 patient Even though Elkan also had time to play against Laos, but why did he not play against Vietnam," commented a netizen on the upload of the AFF Cup account.

Screenshot of netizen protest on AFF Cup Instagram

"This is unfair, there is cheating #saveelkan #affunfair," wrote another netizen.

"I'm so afraid of my favorite country to the point of being pushed like this #saveelkan #affunfair," said another netizen.

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