JAKARTA - The WADA Sanctions Acceleration Settlement Task Force conducted diplomacy to Lausanne, Switzerland to convey the results of LADI's work in terms of resolving pending matters.

On that occasion, Raja Sapta Oktohari did not waste the opportunity to ask WADA for an explanation regarding the limits of the sanctions given. As a result, Okto said that Indonesia was still allowed to install the Red and White attributes in international championships even though it had not been freed from sanctions.

According to Okto as Chair of the Task Force, WADA's sanctions against Indonesia were limited to a ban on raising the Red and White flag in regional, continental and world championships, except for the Olympics and Paralympics.

"The Indonesian Olympic Committee asked directly because many thought that Indonesia's sanctions were the same as those of Russia," said Okto.

"WADA then emphasized that the sanctions are different. There is no prohibition for Indonesia to use the Red and White flag attributes on the uniforms or jerseys of players. So I think this is clear," continued Okto in an online press conference that took place, Friday, December 10.

During the meeting, Okto also asked WADA to inform the international sports federations regarding the use of the flag so that there would be no more misunderstandings.

KOI had previously received a reply letter from the Head of the Compliance Unit (WADA), Emiliano Simonelli, explaining the rules for raising the flag during the sanctions imposed.

There are several points that Simonelli emphasized regarding the use of the Red and White flag in international sporting events. First, it is only limited to the raising of the official flag by the event organizers at regional, continental or world championship venues/arena/stadiums, such as during the awarding of medals, opening or closing ceremonies.

Second, Indonesia is allowed to place the state flag on the uniforms and/or technical clothes of athletes and their delegates, as well as display the state flag next to an athlete's name. However, as long as the broadcast is not held at the venue/arena/stadium where the event is taking place.

Finally, Indonesia is also entitled to the mention of the Indonesian National Team or the Indonesian Team or similar meanings at the time the event takes place.

As a result of the sanctions, Indonesian athletes cannot fly the flag when receiving a medal. Besides happening at the Thomas Cup badminton championship some time ago, this was again seen when Rahmat Erwin Abdullah successfully won a medal at the 2021 Weightlifting World Championship.

In the medal ceremony in Tashkent, Uzbekistan last Friday, the success of the lifter from Makassar was not accompanied by the raising of the Red and White flag. Instead, Indonesia is only allowed to fly the federation flag and the national anthem Indonesia Raya.

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