JAKARTA - Unpleasant news is back from the 2021 Badminton World Championships. One big name has again declared its resignation, she is the empress of Spanish badminton, Carolina Marin.

It is certain that the women's singles world champion will not participate in the 2021 Badminton World Championships which will take place in Huelva, Spain. This news was shared directly by the Spanish Badminton Federation via its Twitter account.

"Carolina Marin cannot compete at the World Championships," the statement read.

Marin also conveyed the same thing on his personal account. However, Marin said he would still be at Huelva even if not on the pitch.

"See you next week in #Huelva2021, but not on the pitch," Marin said on Twitter.

Apparently, Marin was appointed to be the ambassador for the 2021 Badminton World Championships because this competition was held in Spain, which is also Marin's home country.

The 2021 Badminton World Championship was originally predicted to be Marin's comeback moment after undergoing a long rehabilitation process due to a knee injury.

However, an injury that has not yet healed made Marin canceled his appearance.

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