JAKARTA - The Indonesian women's doubles pair Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu managed to secure a ticket to advance to the semifinals of the World Tour Finals (WTF) 2021. Greysia/Apriyani won after beating Malaysian representatives Pearly Tan/Thinaah Muralitharan.

In the meeting at the Bali International Convention Center, Nusa Dua, Greysia / Apriyani secured a quick victory even though the match was fierce. However, the match which took place on Friday, December 3, was won by representatives of Indonesia with a final score of 21-18 and 21-11.

In the early game, Greysia/Apriyani fell behind, Thinaah's hard blow towards Apriyani closed the early interval with Malaysia's 11-9 advantage.

After the break, Indonesia began to turn things around by taking advantage of a number of mistakes made by Tan/Thinaah. After trying for 24 minutes, the early game closed with Indonesia's advantage 21-18.

Entering the second game, this time Indonesia's flagship is playing better. A number of mistakes they made in the first game were successfully corrected, where the second game interval closed nicely for Indonesia's advantage.

On the other hand, the Malaysian pair Tan/Thina are further behind after their attempts to increase the numbers were thwarted by Greysia/Apriyani. The score is far adrift of 7-17 for Indonesia's advantage.

Even Tan/Thinaah doesn't seem to want to give up and is still trying to keep up with the points. Luckily, Indonesia's hard efforts turned out to be sweet because the final score of 22-11 could be secured by Greysia/Apriyani.

With this victory, Indonesia managed to advance to the semifinals following Japan, which had already won.

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