Together With The Minister Of Youth And Sports, Release Elite Race Borobudur Marathon 2021, Ganjar: The One Who Broke The Record, I Added IDR 20 Million
Ganjar Pranowo (Photo via Central Java Provincial Government)

MAGELANG - The best marathon event in Indonesia, the Borobudur Marathon was held again this year. 42 national elite runners competed with each other to be the best to conquer the 42.5 km route in the Borobudur Temple area, Magelang, Saturday 27 November.

Unlike last year, this time the number of national runners participating in the Borobudur Marathon was more. A total of 42 national runners, both male, and female, took part in the elite race category.

They already have well-known names, such as Sapto Prayogo, Betmen Manurung, Suwandi, Asmabarra, Fitriyani, Irma Handayani and so on. Meanwhile, on Sunday, November 28, there will be a 21 km Candi Tilik category competition which will be participated by 128 runners.

Although not as crowded as before the pandemic, the national runners were still enthusiastic about participating in the event. Moreover, they were released and directly encouraged by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, and the Minister Of Youth And Sports (Menpora), Zainudin Amali.

The proof, they are already at the starting line at Lumbini Park since 04.00 WIB. They warmed up before the start flag was raised at around 05.00 WIB.

"Yes, we are happy, finally the Borobudur Marathon event can be held again. We are trying to find a way out, to maintain the dignity of the Borobudur Marathon. Thank God, despite the pandemic, last year this event was still held and this year it can also be carried out even though only elite and limited runners are running, others virtually", said Ganjar.

Ganjar hopes that next year's event can be crowded again. Because the pandemic has begun to decline and many people have been vaccinated.

"Hopefully next year, we can see that there are already full of participants running here", he explained.

The Borobudur Marathon, Ganjar continued, is not only for sport and tourism. More than that, the event is also believed to be able to boost the economy of the community, especially Magelang.

"The economy will definitely improve, but because this is still limited, it will definitely not be as good as it used to be. But we from the provincial government are still maintaining it, we are trying to provide stimulants so that the economy can run", he explained.

Meanwhile, Minister Zainudin Amali appreciated the 2021 Borobudur Marathon event. Although it is still a pandemic, the event can still be held with very strict health protocols.

"I thank and appreciate Mr. Ganjar and the various parties who organized this. Hopefully, this activity will continue and become more and more successful every year", he said.

Prize amount increased

In addition to releasing the runners, Ganjar encouraged the participants. He will add a prize of IDR 20 million for each category if anyone manages to break the previous record.

"Which runner is still sleepy? Who hasn't showered yet? I can see that everyone is excited. With the spirit of running, I believe there will be a winner. If anyone manages to break a record, I will add a prize of IDR 20 million", he said to the applause of the participants.

Not to be outdone by Ganjar, Menpora, Managing Director of Bank Jateng, Budiman Tanurejdo, chairman of the Borobudur Marathon foundation and Ganjar's wife, Siti Atikoh also gave additional prizes. The total additional prize from them for participants is IDR 85 million.

"Let's get excited and add motivation. We can prove that we can hold this big event even in the midst of a pandemic", said the chairman of the Borobudur Marathon Foundation, Liem Chie An.

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