JAKARTA - Sad news came from the sports world, former Indonesian badminton player Verawaty Fajrin passed away today. SOE Minister Erick Thohir also expressed his condolences for Verawaty's passing.
Erick Thohir shared his sorrow on his personal Instagram social media account @erickthohir. Erick uploaded a photo depicting the moment of togetherness with Verawaty Fajrin before she died.
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. I offer my deepest condolences for the death of Mrs. Verawaty Fajrin, an Indonesian badminton legend," wrote Erick, quoted from his personal Instagram account @erickthohir, Sunday, November 21.
Erick had previously visited Verawaty Fajrin while undergoing treatment at the hospital. According to Erick, at the meeting, Verawaty was still enthusiastic about undergoing treatment.
"Remembering our last meeting not long ago, Mrs. Vera is excited to undergo treatment. May Allah SWT forgive all her sins and give her the best place by His side. Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha waafihi wafuanha. Amen," wrote Erick.
Verawaty is an Indonesian badminton legend. She has won 12 SEA Games gold medals throughout her career.
She has also won a gold medal in the women's doubles event in the Asian Games which she won in 1978. She is also listed as a world champion twice, namely in 1980 (women's singles) and 1986 (mixed doubles), which made her name even more on the world stage.
As previously reported, Erick Thohir gave his support to former badminton player Verawaty Fajrin who was undergoing treatment at Dharmais Hospital, Jakarta due to lung cancer.
While visiting the badminton world champion, Wednesday, September 21, Erick, who came with BNI President Director Royke Tumilaar, advised Verawaty to focus on efforts to restore health so that she could return to playing tennis, a sport she does every morning.
"Get well soon, Mrs. Vera. Don't think too much about it. God willing, BNI and the government will help with the difficulties you are experiencing. Just focus on treatment so that you can really recover and be able to come back to playing tennis every morning," said Erick in a written statement, on Thursday 22 September.
Erick recalled the moment when Verawaty was appointed by him as the Chief Executive of the 2018 Asian Games. She also had the honor of handing over the torch to President Joko Widodo on the sidelines of the commemoration of Indonesian Independence on 17 August 2018 at the State Palace.
Erick said that Verawaty had contributed to bringing pride to the Indonesian nation in various international championships. Government assistance, according to him, is not comparable to the achievements that have been made by the 1978 Asian Games gold winner.
On that occasion, BNI, which is the main sponsor of the badminton branch, also contributed Rp350 million to Verawaty.
Verawaty previously had chemotherapy at Persahabatan Hospital. However, because her condition did not improve, she was transferred to Dharmais Hospital.
After her condition improved again, Vera had time to go home, but a few days ago her condition worsened again. She was rushed back to Dharmais Hospital. However, the former women's singles world champion is only a BPJS Class 2 card holder so she has to wait in the transit room because the HCU is full.
However, Verawaty has now received assistance from the Ministry of Youth and Sports to undergo intensive treatment. All costs and facilities provided to Verawaty will be assisted by the government as directed by President Joko Widodo.
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