PAPUA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) closed the XVI Papua National Paralympic Week (Peparnas) on Saturday, November 13. Jokowi is proud that this sporting event was held successfully.

"Once again I emphasize that not only people can (we can) but all of this shows great people (we are great), once again great people," said President Joko Widodo at the Mandala Stadium, Jayapura, as reported by Antara, Saturday, November 13.

Jokowi continued, Peparnas conveyed many important messages. Various difficulties faced are not an obstacle to success. "In fact, we can achieve various achievements," said Jokowi.

Moreover, according to President Jokowi, the province of Papua has also successfully held the XX National Sports Week (PON) which will take place from October 2-15, 2021.

"Through PON and Peparnas in Papua, we also show the great revival of our national sport. We also celebrate diversity, we also respect equality and together we achieve achievements that make the nation and country proud," added the President.

President Jokowi also congratulated the province of Papua for all its achievements.

"In this Peparnas, Papua province is the overall winner, won the most medals and congratulations to Papua for being successful as the host of PON and Peparnas," said the President. These achievements show outstanding athletes.

"Congratulations to the main athletes, once again, Papuan athletes who have shown their achievements, the conclusion is not only 'Torang Bisa' but 'Torang Great'," said the President.

The closing ceremony was filled with a number of performances by Papuan artists such as OWL Gank, Anafre Singer, ILDI flashmob, Dave Solution. Furthermore, there was also a parade of athletes from various provinces, an archipelago dance performance, reading of struggle poems by athletes, a drone light show, the appearance of the KOTAK music group and also a fireworks display.

In Peparnas XVI Papua, there were 2,163 athletes from 33 provinces who competed for 861 medals from 12 sports.

Data from the Peparnas XVI organizing committee on Friday night showed that Papua had collected 114 gold, 72 silver, 75 bronze, placing the provincial contingent at the top of the medal list.

While the West Java contingent was in second place with 82 gold, 73 silver and 63 bronze or 32 gold differences from the host contingent.

Central Java was in third place with 79 gold, 49 silver, 67 bronze, followed by South Kalimantan with 37 gold, 35 silver and 42 bronze, and North Sumatra with 26 gold, 29 silver and 13 bronze.

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