JAKARTA - The Central Board of the Indonesian Basketball Association (PP Perbasi) has scheduled the departure of the men's national team to the United States. This is one of the steps to prepare the men's basketball team to compete in the 2023 FIBA World Cup qualification.

"We will leave for Los Angeles on November 6, 2021 with 10 local players plus Lester Prosper and Brandon Jawato following," explained manager Maulana Fareza Tamrella from information received by VOI.

While in the United States, the men's basketball national team will also undergo four trial matches. After that they immediately went to Lebanon to undergo the FIBA World Cup 2023 qualification.

"While there we planned four trials with four teams whose quality was above us so that we could learn more. On November 22, we immediately went to Lebanon for the first game window of the FIBA World Cup 2023 Qualifications," added the manager.

Chairman of PP Perbasi, Danny Kosasih also emphasized that all parties must be total in fighting for the Red and White. High expectations were floated, because Indonesia will host the 2023 FIBA World Cup with Japan and the Philippines.

Lately, Perbasi is not only preoccupied with the agenda of the men's basketball team. The parent organization of basketball in Indonesia is also preparing various other basketball national teams.

One of them is the women's national team which will also compete in the 2021 FIBA Women's Asia Cup. Meanwhile, in the youth sector, Perbasi is forming a new Young Elite National Team which is prepared to take part in the 2022 IBL.

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