YOGYAKARTA - Helmets are important equipment for motorcyclists who function to protect their heads from collisions and ensure safety while driving. However, the use of helmets for a long time, especially during hot weather or rainy season, often causes an unpleasant odor to appear. This opaque smell is generally caused by sweat, moisture, and dust and dirt that accumulates on the inside of the helmet. If not cleaned immediately, the smell can get worse and interfere with comfort when used. Therefore, understanding how to remove the smell of apek on the helmet is important for each rider.

To maintain the cleanliness and comfort of helmets, there are several steps that can be taken to overcome the pungent smell. Starting from washing the inside of the helmet regularly, drying it properly, to using a special fragrance for helmets. In addition, storage of helmets in a dry place and having good air circulation can also help prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. By applying the way to remove the weathering odor on the right helmet, helmets not only become more hygienic but are also more comfortable when used for daily trips.

Before discussing how to remove the pungent smell on the helmet, it's a good idea to understand the factors that cause this unpleasant odor to appear. Some of the main causes include:

After knowing the cause, here are some ways to get rid of the pungent smell on the helmet so that it remains fresh and comfortable to use:

One of the most effective steps to get rid of the pungent smell is to wash the helmet regularly. Use soft soap or baby shampoo to clean the inside of the helmet. If the helmet has foam that can be removed, wash it with warm water and dry until it is completely dry before reused.

Baking soda is known as a natural ingredient that can absorb unpleasant odors. Sprinkle a little baking soda on the inside of the helmet and let stand for several hours. After that, clean it with a dry cloth or use a vacuum cleaner to remove the remnants of baking soda.

3. Men dry Helmets in Open Places

Helmets that are exposed to sweat or moist should be immediately dried in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Sunlight can kill bacteria and fungi that cause a common odor. If it is not possible to dry in the sun, wind helmets in places that have good air circulation.

Currently, there are many helmet fragrance products that can help get rid of unpleasant odors. Choose a fragrance that has antibacterial content to prevent the growth of bacteria in the helmet. Spray this fragrance after the helmet is finished cleaning and dried.

White cuka is another natural ingredient that can be used to remove the pungent smell. Mix white vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio, then dip the clean cloth into the mixture. Use this cloth to wipe the inside of the helmet, then dry to dry.

Silka gels and active charcoal can absorb moisture and smell in the helmet. Put some silica gel packs or an active piece of charcoal inside the helmet when not used. This will help keep the helmet dry and free from the pungent smell.

Wet or moist hair can cause helmet foam to become wet and trigger bacterial growth. Make sure the hair is dry before wearing a helmet to prevent the smell of runny smell.

Keeping a helmet clean is very important for the comfort and health of its users. The floating smell that arises due to sweat, moisture, and dirt can be overcome by washing helmets regularly, drying them properly, and using natural ingredients such as baking soda, white vinegar, and silica gels.

By applying the method of eliminating the pungent smell on the helmet that has been described above, the helmet will remain fresh, clean, and comfortable to use every day. Don't forget to always take care of the helmet regularly so that it is not only free from odors, but also more durable and hygienic.

In addition, also find out how to properly take care of the helmet.

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