PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) provides special things for Toyota and Lexus environmentally friendly vehicle owners at Mall of Indonesia (MoI), free parking facilities as well as providing free charging spot facilities at the same location.
Located in front of the 8 Mall of Indonesia lobby, this Japanese brand Toyota provides 7 spot privileges parking. This exclusive parking facility can be used by all Toyota and Lexus electrification vehicle owners, both Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV). In addition, Toyota also provides 3 Ultra Fast Charging (UFC) 120 kW charging spots.
Marketing Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM), Jap Ernando Demily, said that Toyota is committed to providing innovative mobility solutions and providing tangible benefits for better customer life in the future.
"In line with ZERO's BEYOND initiative, we expand the electrification ecosystem in various strategic locations that are easily accessible. Therefore, Toyota presents a free privilege parking spot facility at Mall of Indonesia, which is equipped with charging spots," he said in a statement to the media, Tuesday, March 18.
Toyota's xEV ecosystem is spread across various Toyota authorized dealers networks covering most parts of Indonesia and generally in the city center so that it is easily accessible to anyone. Currently, Toyota and stakeholders have installed free charging spots at 113 authorized dealers which will continue to grow as Toyota's electrification car popularity increases.
Powered 22 kW, charging spots on Toyota's official outlets are at 17 points on the island of Sumatra, 86 points on the island of Java, 1 point on the island of Kalimantan, 7 points on the island of Sulawesi, and 2 points on the islands of Bali and Nusa Tenggara. Meanwhile, 3 of them are Ultra Fast Charging (UFC) with 120 kW power at the Nasmoko Majapahit dealer Semarang and Nasmoko Bantul Yogyakarta, and UFC is 150 kW empowered at the Dunia Barusa Banda Aceh dealer.
Back to the Privilege facility, previously Toyota had presented it at ASHTA Mall and Gandaria City Mall, both in the South Jakarta area. Privilege Charging Spot is an xEV battery refill facility, exclusive to Toyota and Lexus electrification car users. With 4 charging spots at Gandaria City Mall and 3 charging spots at ASHTA Mall, 1 UFC 120 kW unit is available with 3 types of CCS2 type gun chargers, CHAdeMO and 1 22 kW unit, which can be used for free during mall activities. Privilege Parking Spot at ASHTA Mall is 8 spots, while in Gandaria City Mall there are 3 spots.
Marketing Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) Hiroyuki Oide, revealed that Toyota is committed to building a holistic xEV Ecosystem, including providing priority parking spot facilities equipped with charging spots in various strategic locations, starting from Toyota outlets, premium shopping centers, to toll road rest areas.
"We want to provide more convenience for Toyota and Lexus electrification vehicle users. The addition of this facility also ensures that customers can move in a calm and comfortable manner during the Eid Al-Fitr holiday period," said Hiroyuki Oide.
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