JAKARTA - China's automotive market is again showing growth in 2024, with total domestic passenger car sales reaching 22.608 million units, an increase of 3.1 percent compared to the previous year.
Chinese brands are increasingly dominating, with sales reaching 17.97 million units, a significant increase of 23.1 percent.
Launching CarNewsChina, Monday, January 20, the fight in the sedan and hatchback segment was quite fierce. However, BYD Qin Plus managed to maintain its position as champion with sales reaching sales of 480,025 units, an increase of 10.6 percent compared to last year. This is equivalent to the average monthly sales of 40,000 units. Following also from the same brand, namely BYD Seagull, which sold 453,593 units and third place filled with Nissan Sylphy which sold 342,395 units.
In the SUV segment, the competition is getting tighter. The Tesla Model Y came out as the winner with sales reaching 480,309 units. The second position is occupied by BYD Song Plus with sales of 418,474 units, then the third position from BYD namely Yuan Plus which sold 275,223 units. Meanwhile, the models from Aito, such as M7, also managed to penetrate the top 10 ranks.
Meanwhile in the MPV segment, the dominance of BYD Denza D9 in the MPV segment continues. For the second time in a row, Denza D9 managed to become the leader of sales in its class sold 102,951 units followed by Japanese brand Toyota Sienna with 89,450 and Toyota Granvia 78,687 units.
The year 2024 will be a year full of dynamics for China's automotive industry. The dominance of local brands is getting stronger, with BYD and Tesla becoming the main players and still quite strong Toyota in the MPV segment.
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