PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) provided a Toyota HiAce Premio unit to Transjakarta. The car will later be used as a Transjakarta Cares fleet, to support the mobility of people with disabilities in the Transjakarta operational area for free.

The Toyota Bersama Concept of Building a Country (Toyota Sharing) based on the spirit of Let's Go Beyond, inspired PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) to continue to develop sustainable programs. One of the four pillars of Toyota Sharing activities in the mobility sector, namely Toyota Sharing Steps, the provision of Toyota HiAce Premio to Transjakarta is expected to support inclusive mobility for everyone," said Marketing Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM), Anton Jimmi Suwandy, in his official statement received, Friday, September 20.

Toyota HiAce Premio is a premium mobility solution for travel and tourism business actors. The total capacity can reach 11 people with an extra field cabin room.

In line with the Mobility for All vision, HiAce Premio is used as a Transjakarta Cares operational vehicle. The high flexibility of the cabin allows it to be replaced as a vehicle to support the activities of persons with disabilities. With a wide cabin and wide open doors, making access in and out of wheelchairs and support devices for the movement of people with special needs, can take place easily and safely, plus a comfortable interior space for anyone.

This activity is a form of our efforts to express our sincere gratitude for the contribution of people who have believed in Toyota's mobility solutions so far. Toyota restores this trust, in a variety of sustainable social activities so that people can take positive benefits in many joints of life. Toyota also supports the creation of a cleaner environment for future generations through a variety of electrification vehicles that are able to suppress emissions as low as possible," he added.

Toyota itself has four pillars in 'Toyota Various in Indonesia. Various social contributions programs are in line with the spirit of Toyota Sharing through four pillars. The first is Toyota Sharing Green as Toyota's commitment to contribute to sustainable environmental improvements and support the government in solving environmental problems.

Second, there is Toyota Sharing Sciences which seeks to create empathy, creativity and innovation for school-age children. Such as teaching empathy to elementary and junior high school students by holding the Toyota Dream Car Art Contest (TDCAC) which will enter its 18th event. Third is Toyota Sharing Selamat, where Toyota makes efforts to reduce traffic problems. Such as building a Traffic Park in Bandung to educate the importance of driving security from an early age and being present at the Transportation Museum in Malang to show Toyota's electrification technology, especially Hybrid EVs.

Finally, there is Toyota with various steps as the provision of more inclusive mobility solutions, one of which is through the provision of a HiAce Premio unit which will be used as a Transjakarta Care fleet as well as a form of implementation of this pillar. The four pillars are Toyota's main guidelines in contributing optimally to the community.

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