JAKARTA - Talking about automotive is certainly closely related to modifications, and it is important to know that the insurance policy can actually cover the modified car.

However, for vehicle owners who have modified the vehicle to obtain insurance policies, they must report first, with the aim of obtaining approval from the insurance company used. As stated by the Head of Public Relations, Marketing Communication & Astra Asuransi Event Astra Laurentius Iwan Pranoto, according to him, when he did not report, the insurance claim could be rejected. "His name did Endorse or changed the type of responsibility because the subject was different," he said, when met in the Jakarta area, recently.

Not without reason, the man who is familiarly called Iwan said when the car has been modified, of course, the level of risk will change. Later there will be a survey first to ensure the modified part. "For example, if the windshield breaks the insurance will replace the glass and glass of the built-in film, for example, the owner of the modified film glass vehicle after the car is covered by insurance and we don't replace the glass of the film (which has been modified), we will replace it with the factory's built-in film glass," he added. Iwan emphasized that the insurance company and consumer agreement was only for the standard car. When there is a modified part or the change that is done, it is mandatory to report. "Because what we changed was shortly before the incident (modified, because insurance would not necessarily be able to replace it if it had to be asked for not reporting," he explained.

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