JAKARTA - McLaren boss Michael Leiters stated that they want to be at the forefront of producing electric supercars. However, Leiters admits that much research and development is still needed before the technology can be implemented commercially.

In an interview with Autocar, quoted on Wednesday, June 26, Leiters called for the need for massive investment in the UK's automotive supply chain, particularly to support small car manufacturers such as McLaren. He argues that this support is important to facilitate the adoption of the latest electric propulsion technology.

According to him, currently the supply chain structure for British car manufacturers is still small and inadequate. The existing government's trade rules and policies actually hinder technological advances.

Develop EV But It Takes Time

Leiters revealed that McLaren had started a development program to design their first electric car. However, the current battery technology has not been able to meet the high performance and control standards that have been the hallmark of McLaren.

Leiters emphasized his commitment to maintaining light weight that is McLaren's advantage. According to him, an electric car weighing 2 tons and 2,000 dk is not a supercar. He wants to create a light and agile electric car, retaining McLaren's distinctive driving sensation.

Leiters admits that McLaren's core customer base is still skeptical of the presence of electric cars. To that end, McLaren must be able to present a light and permanent electric car, in accordance with McLaren's DNA.

In addition to technical challenges, Leiters is also concerned about the resale value of the supercar electric car. Financially established McLaren customers certainly don't want to suffer heavy losses when selling their car. Leiters sees that the resale value of electric cars is still unstable.

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