JAKARTA - Recently, Volkswagen confirmed that it would design an affordable EV in Europe amid the onslaught of electric cars from China. Previously, the manufacturer had decided to withdraw from the partnership negotiations with Renault regarding the project.

Volkswagen Brand CEO Thomas Schaefer, said that this affordable electric car for 20,000 euros (IDR 350 million) will continue to set standards in terms of technology, design, and high quality.

The future is electricity. In order for electromobility to expand, interesting vehicles are needed, especially in the entry-level segment," Schaefer said as quoted by Automotive News Europe, Thursday, May 30.

In line with Schaefer, VW Group CEO Oliver Blume said his party would be committed to expanding this segment so that consumers on the blue continent could enjoy it.

"By doing this, we combine a clear commitment to Europe as an industrial location, European industrial policy, and ultimately act in the interests of European customers," Blume explained.

In an effort to design electric vehicles at affordable prices, VW is developing a family electric car for urban areas that is similar to the Polo model.

With an all-electric entry-level mobility project worth 50.000, Volkswagen Group is now taking a consistent next step, the parent company wrote.

The automaker also plans to present four battery-powered cars from the family for under 25,000 euros (IDR 438.4 million) by the end of 2025 with two electric hatchback cars just added to the list, one from VW called ID2 and another from the Cupra brand.

The other two cars are small SUVs, each from the Skolda brand and one from the VW brand. These four vehicles will be produced in Spain.

Currently, this German manufacturer has just sold an affordable electric vehicle called ID.3, a compact hatchback for 40,000 euros (Rp701.5 million).

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