YOGYAKARTA - Driving a car in the rainy season needs to be careful because the road is wet and slippery. The condition of the road often makes the car tire slip until it is difficult to control. In addition, the conditions and types of car tires also affect comfort when driving on wet roads.

Although sometimes the driver is careful, the condition of the tires often makes the movement of the car more difficult or the acceleration is less than optimal. To be able to cross the wet road smoothly and safely, a car tire that is thick and has strong grip power is needed.

In order to be safer when driving a car in the rainy season, the selection of car tires is certainly an important factor. So what types of car tires are suitable during the rainy season that can be your choice?

The selection of the right car tires greatly affects the comfort and safety of driving. Especially when it rains in the rainy season, a suitable car tire is needed to cross wet and slippery roads.

There are several types of car tires that you can choose to drive safely and comfortably in the rainy season:

Terrain Highway (HT) tires are a type of car tire specifically designed for on-road use on smooth roads or semi off-roads. HT tires are generally used in sedan models, MPV, to city cars. This type of tire is very suitable for use during the rainy season because it has a silent characteristic.

Comfort tires or all seasons are the type of tire that is usually used in cars for daily needs. Physically, these tires are similar to the type of HT tires. These tires are made from thick rubber materials so they have strong grip and are quite durable.

Comfort tires also have small threads and spreads. The drains are made tightly, so they can drain water quickly. This type of tire is very supportive of use in the rainy season because it can prevent aquaplaning. Not only that, but this tire is also not noisy and crosses the wet road.

All Terrain (AT) tires are a type of tire for off-road and on-road use. These tires are designed with a combination of HT and Mud-Terrain (MT) tires. So these tires are very reliable for use in all seasons, both rainy and hot.

After knowing what types of tires are suitable for use during the rainy season, car owners also need to know how to choose the right tires. Here are tips or how to choose a safe car tire in the rainy season.

Make sure to use car tires that are in accordance with car manufacturer standards. Each vehicle certainly has its own tire profile that can be seen in manual books published by its manufacturer.

Furthermore, car owners also need to choose tires with a medium compound. Tire components are a mixture of tire manufacturing ingredients. There are three types of tire compon, namely soft, medium, and hard compounds.

If you live in an area with two seasons, namely rain and heat, you should choose medium compound tires. This type of tire is not too hard, and has motifs and grooves that are not too tight so it is suitable for two seasons of use.

The selection of tires that are used for the rainy season must also consider the motive and flow of the tire surface. It is better to use car tires that can break the water, so that it can accelerate properly when crossing wet roads.

Safe tires for use on wet roads are tires with unidirectional (directional) lines and grooves. In addition, also make sure the thickness of the tire tread is above 1.6 mm, the fluid ratio is balanced, and the greater and wider circumferential flow.

Those are some types of car tires that match during the rainy season. You can choose the tires above to support the comfort and safety of driving on wet and slippery roads. Also read how to read the car tire code to match the type.

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