YOGYAKARTA How to pay online car taxes is very easy, you can do it through the national digital Samsat (SIGNAL) application.
Please note, the SIGNAL application is an application that allows users to pay the annual motor vehicle tax.
In addition, this application also provides an electronic vehicle registration feature. In it there is an E-appropriation menu that appears automatically after the vehicle tax payment has been successfully made.
So, how to pay online car taxes through the SIGNAL application? Let's look at the full information below.
Here are the stages or how to pay online car taxes through the SIGNAL application that you need to know:
If you have paid the car tax, you will receive digital evidence of the approval of STNK and TBPKP in the SIGNAL application.
The digital evidence for the ratification of STNK and TBPKP has been authorized by the National Cyber and Crypto Agency Electronic Certification Center. This means that the digital evidence is valid and valid.
In addition, you can also get physical evidence for the ratification of STNK and TBPKP through delivery services in the SIGNAL application. The trick is to simply approve the delivery of TBPKP in the online car tax payment stage through the SIGNAL application.
If you choose the option to agree, you will be asked to fill in your personal data, such as NIK< KTP, full name, delivery address, phone number, and so on. After filling in is complete, you will be shown the total shipping costs of TBPKP. Physical evidence or registration documents of STNK and TBPKP will be sent via Pos Indonesia.
That's information about how to pay online car taxes. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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