JAKARTA - The start of Mazda's journey in the electric vehicle (EV) segment is quite steep. In the last two and a half years, the MX-30 electric SUV has only sold 131 units in Australia, leaving this model to stop its sales by the end of 2023.

Vinesh Bhindi, Australia's head of Mazda, said that the factor in the unpacedness of this model was not because the price set was too high and the distance was relatively short.

"I don't think prices are the main driver of our decision not to proceed," said Bhindi as quoted by Drive, Friday, February 2.

He also said that this vehicle received good interest from various circles when it was launched in 2021, but sales of this vehicle experienced a decline because consumers wanted to look for other unique things.

"In the end, we have met the demand and satisfied the needs of customers who wanted something unique at that time," added Bhindi.

Bhindi also emphasized that other factors of MX-30 did not match expectations because these vehicles differ compared to other models, such as CX-30, CX-3, or Mazda 3 Hatchback, which already has similar designs and features.

When they saw cars like MX-30 and many other manufacturers doing the same thing, when they took out something suitable, the car achieved good results for several years and then generally slowed down, "concluded Bhindi.

For your information, Mazda MX-30 for the Australian market is priced at US$66,410 or equivalent to Rp686.9 million. This price when compared to competitors is clearly quite expensive considering the specifications offered.

Mazda MX-30 uses a synchronous AC-type permanent electric motor with a power of 143 dk, as well as a front-wheel drive and direct-drive transmission system.

This vehicle is equipped with a liquid-cooled 32 kWh lithium-ion battery and only has a distance of up to 161 km after one charge. Meanwhile, in Australia it is offered with a battery distance of up to 224 km which is relatively short

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