YOGYAKARTA - One of the important aspects in maintaining our vehicle's brake system is to replace brake oil regularly so that it works properly and safely. So, why do cars have to change brake oil regularly?

Launching from the Hyundai website, the time to replace brake oil does not only depend on the distance or intensity of using the car, but can also determine the condition of the brake oil itself.

In general, the replacement of brake oil can be applied every 20-30 thousand km or about 2 years. However, if you use synthetic brake oil or higher quality brake oil, you can replace it every 40,000 to 50,000 km or every 3 years.

Launching from the Suzuki web, brake oil is a liquid used to cool the brake system and lubricate parts of the brake system. Because its role is important, brake oil must always be in good condition so that the brake system can work optimally. Changing car brake oil is also needed to prevent damage to brake components such as rotors and calibers.

The car brake oil plays a role in bringing pressure from the brake pedal to the car wheel, so that it can brake the car. Over time, brake oil will experience quality shrinkage and must be replaced. If it is not replaced, bad brake oil can cause problems in brake systems such as weak or inefficient brakes.

Characteristics Of Mandatory Rememb Oil Replaced

1. Light Marker Rem Implementing

The brake marker light is on the instrument panel as a sign that the owner must quickly replace the brake oil. If the car owner finds a marker on, immediately go to the trusted workshop to check the car's oil brakes. The brake markers will usually turn on when the car starts driving.

2. Brakes On The Ngempos Car When Used

The brakes are another marker for the brake oil to be replaced. The situation shows a stale liquid causes a hydraulic channel to expand so that the brake system is not optimal.

Mechanically, when the brakes are stepped on, they will only fill the air in the hydraulic channel, but the brakes cannot play an optimal role when used.

3. There was a Blong Brake

Another characteristic of stale brake oil will occur broken brakes. Generally, brakes will be difficult to operate when you are located on a downhill road. Why?

The brake oil on the exhausted hydraulic brake system will make the power of the brake pedal that presses the cylinder master will not be forwarded to the caliber contained on the wheels of the car. As a result, the brake canvas cannot slow down the disk disk, the car also continues to slide down.

4. Drops of Oil under the car

Be careful if there are fluid droplets or oil under the car. Identify whether the liquid has a thick and sticky texture. If you are sure that the drip is a brake oil, you should immediately replace it to the workshop.

Methods To Change Brake Oil

In addition, we also wrote "Components that need to be checked when the Car Service" so that your car is always maintained and safe.

So after knowing the reason why cars have to change brake oil regularly, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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