YOGYAKARTA Have you ever received automotive advice not to wash the car in the sun? The recommendation needs to be considered because it will have a certain impact, especially on car paint. So what are the reasons?

There are several things that need to be considered when you wash a car, especially a new car, ranging from water, type of cloth, shampoo, and the place where you wash the vehicle. The factor of the place is often ignored by the vehicle owner. The approach itself occurs due to a lack of knowledge about it. There are several reasons why car owners are not recommended to wash cars in open places that are directly exposed to sunlight, namely as follows, quoted from various sources.

Washing a car in the hot sun has the potential to cause water spots or commonly called water spots. The presence of water spots will certainly affect the surface appearance of the car, causing the impression that the vehicle is not well maintained.

The cause of the water spot itself occurs because when washing the car in the sun it will make the body temperature hot due to exposure to the sun. So that when water touches the body, the drying process becomes fast. The screening triggers the emergence of water spots. Even the appearance of water spots is not only one but a lot on various surfaces of car paint.

In addition to water spots, there is also the potential for dry soap spots to appear. The appearance of soap spots on the car's body is also the same as the cause of the emergence of water spots. Soap on the surface of the car will dry up quickly.

Washing a car in the sun also has the potential to cause damage to paint in the car. This happens because the quality of water used usually comes from groundwater that sometimes in water contains iron, or caporite. If the content dried up due to sunlight, it will trigger the crust to be difficult to remove. The appearance of the crust itself can be in a part that is difficult to look like a hinge to a glassy pinch.

The appearance of mold on the windshield is caused by various things, one of which is because the water grains have already dried up. The water slowly turns into patches to become mushrooms. If that's the case, car maintenance needs to be carried out extra to potentially cost a lot of money.

Glass is potentially damaged due to sudden changes in temperature. The change may occur if the owner of the vehicle places the car in the sun within hours, then flushes the glass with sudden water. Hot glass because the temperature of the sun can make the glass crack.

UV content in high sunlight will make car paint dull quickly. The burial will happen more quickly if vehicle owners have a habit of washing cars in the sun directly. Slowly the car paint will fade because the shine is gone.

That's information related not to wash cars in the sun. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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