JAKARTA - The Pawan River in Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan has overflowed due to heavy rain since Sunday, October 31.

As a result, 13 villages in 3 sub-districts in Ketapang Regency have been flooded to this day. The floods were in Simpang Tiga Semelanganan village, Pangkalan Teluk village, Sungai Kelik village, Naga Tayap village, and Tanjung Medan village located in Nanga Tayap sub-district.

Furthermore, Sandai Kiri village, Istana village, Jago Bersatu village, Pantai Patah village, and Muara Jejak village are located in Sandai sub-district. Then Ulak Medang village, Mayak village and Tanjung Pura village in Muara Pawan sub-district were also affected.

"The flood also affected 911 families or 2,889 people and 911 housing units with a water level (TMA) in the range of 20 to 50 centimeters," said Acting Head of BNPB Disaster Data and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in his statement, Monday, November 1.

Abdul Muhari said that the report from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Ketapang Regency stated that flooding at a number of points had begun to recede.

"BPBD continues to seek to accelerate handling by checking houses of residents in affected locations, collecting data on affected houses and public facilities," said Abdul Muhari.

BNPB's inaRISK analysis shows that Ketapang Regency has a moderate to high flood risk potential.

Abdul Muhari appealed to stakeholders in the local area and the community to increase vigilance and preparedness in dealing with the potential for La Nina.

For information, La Nina is a climate anomaly that can trigger an increase in rainfall and is predicted to occur in October 2021 to February 2022.

"The community is expected to prepare themselves for self-evacuation when floods hit, including understanding evacuation routes and areas that are safer from flooding," said Abdul Muhari.

"Then be aware of the presence of waterways, holes, and other places that are covered by floodwaters and avoid being electrocuted by turning off existing power sources," he continued.

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