JAKARTA - In a number of surveys, the PDI-P has always been in first place in the electoral electability level.

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto admitted that his party did not want to be complacent on the results of the electoral survey. PDIP, said Hasto, only treats the survey as an instrument for the party to move.

He conveyed this in the Pre-National Work Meeting Coordination Meeting (Rakor Prakernas) at the Party School Building, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta.

"The survey results are dynamic and serve as a reminder for us not to be lulled by high-ranking voters as a form of people's trust. That there are always improvements that we must make," said Hasto in his statement, Sunday, October 31.

For the party led by Megawati Soekarnoputri, the results of the existing survey helped the participants of the Pre-Rakernas Coordination Meeting to analyze the existing situation. So that it can improve what is lacking, and improve performance that is already good.

more specifically, the results of the survey and the available field reports enable all participants of the Pre Rakornas Coordination Meeting to be able to carry out various improvement plans and discuss various aspects and aspects that must be considered.

That way, when it's time for the National Working Meeting to be held on 1-3 December, the discussion will be more focused and able to produce a strategy formulation for the party's future movement.

"The priority scale of the party is to fight with President Jokowi to build a synergy of connectivity, especially in the program to strengthen the people's economy," said Hasto.

"So what strategies can we take to further strengthen our work so as to expand our base in the upcoming 2024 election," he concluded.

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