JAKARTA - Indonesia received a donation of 819,600 doses of Moderna vaccine from the Dutch government. Receiving this vaccine is in the 108th phase of the vaccine arrival.

"The Indonesian government expresses its highest appreciation and gratitude to friendly countries that have helped support the vaccine. This time the assistance came from the Dutch government in the form of 819,600 doses of Moderna Vaccine," said Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information Usman Kansong in a statement, Sunday, October 31.

Usman said, with the arrival of this vaccine, the total COVID-19 vaccine that has been received in Indonesia has reached 313,155,360 doses.

This amount represents vaccines from various brands, both in finished form and raw or bulk materials. The vaccine is obtained from direct purchases and also assistance from friendly countries.

"The smooth arrival of vaccines has made efforts to accelerate and expand the vaccination program more optimal," said Usman.

He emphasized that all vaccines that have been injected into the community have received an emergency use permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). Thus, its safety and efficacy are guaranteed.

Therefore, Usman asked the public to immediately vaccinate. For those who have been vaccinated, they are asked to invite people around them to be vaccinated.

"The government hopes that the public will immediately vaccinate this in line with the government's steps to increase vaccination achievements in the regions as well as to anticipate the 3rd wave of COVID-19," he said.

For information, based on data from the COVID-19 Task Force as of October 30, 119,151,818 people who have been vaccinated with the first dose and 73,290,688 people have received the second dose of vaccination.

Meanwhile, the third dose of vaccination specifically for health workers was 1,130,382 people. The total target of vaccination in Indonesia is 208,265,720 people.

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