TENGGARONG - The Regent of Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) Edi Damansyah said the launch of the Kukar Idaman Credit Program (KKI) was to help Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in capital as well as an effort to avoid moneylenders.

“The KKI program is aimed at supporting the capital of business actors, both micro-enterprises that are already running or just starting out. The Kukar Regency Government facilitates how our citizens are no longer in debt to moneylenders," said Edi Damansyah in Tenggarong, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 29.

He said that in implementing the KKI program, the Kukar Regency Government cooperated with Bank Kaltimtara which provided interest-free capital.

Many people do not know about the KKI program, therefore, socialization is carried out immediately to the sub-districts.

Edi Damansyah explained that the KKI program, in addition to helping with capital, also provides education on the culture of saving because credit is required to save at least Rp. 100,000 per month.

Currently, he said, the policy has shifted, from cash transactions to non-cash transactions. This is part of the synergy of national policies in the context of accelerating access to regional finance provided by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"We are grateful that Kukar Regency was chosen by the East Kalimantan OJK for the implementation of this policy, the policy is in line with our priority program, Ideal Small Business," said Edi Damansyah.

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