CIANJUR - The Puncak-Cianjur route, West Java, is very congested at some points, until late in the evening. Even the queues of vehicles with a slow speed occurred starting from the Ciloto-Puncak area, where officers were installing ground-holding brojongs, in anticipation of landslides.

According to Antara's observations, until the evening of Friday, October 29, the volume of vehicles from Bogor to Puncak-Cianjur continued to increase, dominated by vehicles with odd registration numbers from Jabodetabek.

This causes queues with slowed vehicle speed. Most of them are for the purpose of hotels, villas and tourist attractions in the area.

The increasing volume of vehicles was also seen at the T-junction leading to hotels and villas on Jalan Raya Cipanas-Pasekon, where newcomers' vehicles came in and out, causing queues, but not snaking.

The odd-even application that is still in effect, is quite obeyed by road users, so that mobility on weekends does not increase sharply.

The same thing can also be seen in alternative routes to tourist attractions and elite housing, including the City of Flowers and Green Apple, precisely on Jalan Hanjawar and Jalan Balakang-Cipanas, where passing vehicles are dominated by immigrants who want to spend the weekend.

"We deliberately came early to Puncak for fear of being stuck in traffic, which has returned to this area. While waiting for the odd application due to odd registration numbers, we will return to Jakarta the day after tomorrow, not waiting for weeks," said Rizki (36), a motorist from West Jakarta.

He and his family wanted to spend the holidays in the villa they rented until Saturday afternoon because during the pandemic it was difficult to vacation in Puncak due to various restrictions. He hopes the pandemic will end soon, the economy will recover and restrictions will be lifted.

Meanwhile, the Head of Traffic for Cianjur Police, First Inspector of Police Yudhistira, said that this weekend, the volume of vehicles passing through the Cianjur jurisdiction had increased, especially in the late afternoon. His party has alerted members along the Puncak route, in order to anticipate total traffic jams.

"Not to a total traffic jam, but queues can be seen at several vulnerable points, especially in the Ciloto area, where landslides are being handled. Officers will carry out a number of engineering works to avoid total traffic jams on weekends," he said.

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