BENGKULU - Mukomuko Police, Bengkulu Police in the past week handled two cases of sexual abuse of minors. The perpetrator is the closest person to the victim.

"There are two cases of sexual abuse of minors, the suspects are brother-in-law and a Koran teacher," said Mukomuko Police Chief AKBP Witdiardi in Mukomuko, Antara, Friday, October 29.

Two suspects in the sexual abuse case against minors, namely SO (40) worked as a Koran teacher as well as a temporary honorary at the local Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Office. The suspect sexually assaulted one of his students who was a student at one of the junior high schools in this area. Then the suspect BN (35) is an entrepreneur. The suspect sexually assaulted his sister-in-law who was still a student at a junior high school in this area.

He said the two suspects, from Air Dikit and Air Manjuto sub-districts, committed acts of sexual abuse against the victim with threats.

As a result of his actions, the suspect was charged with violating Article 76D in conjunction with Article 81 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection with a minimum penalty of five years in prison. The police chief said that children still need supervision from their parents. Protection of children before they grow up is the responsibility of parents. "So we expect all parents in this area to pay attention to their children, because it is proven that crimes against children are committed by close people," he said.

Furthermore, he appealed to parents in this area to take care of their children in order to avoid the crime of sexual abuse, which is often carried out by those closest to the victim.

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