TEMANGGUNG - The government of Temanggung Regency, Central Java, is aggressively conducting socialization to prevent the development of religious deviant sects. The Temanggung Regency Government does not want to be deceived by a deviant sect that has the potential to damage the social life of residents.

The Regent of Temanggung M. Al Khadziq said that the local government as social and political coach was intensively conducting outreach to the community to be aware of and avoid deviant sects in the community.

"This needs to be done to create better religious harmony, better social harmony", he said in Temanggung, Antara, Friday, October 29.

According to him, the potential for the emergence of sects that could disturb the peace still exists, so it is necessary to disseminate information to the community.

Apart from the potential for deviant sects to emerge, the Temanggung Regency Government is also keeping an eye on intolerant actions. "Efforts are needed to build inter-religious tolerance in Temanggung Regency", he said.

According to him, the Temanggung people are mature enough to tolerate and live side by side, with different races, groups, and religions.

"But if this is not treated properly, we are worried that it will face obstacles along the way", he said.

He conveyed this socialization activity as a preventive effort. The presence of heretical sects and perhaps also fanatical religious understanding can threaten social life.

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