BADUNG - A BUMD employee in Bali, I Made Arjana (41) was arrested by the Abiansemal Sector Police, Badung Regency. The perpetrators carried out a fraudulent mode of PDAM employee recruitment by collecting Rp110 million from the victims.

"After being questioned, the perpetrator admitted that he had committed fraud against five victims," said Abiansemal Sector Police Chief Commissioner Ruli Agus Susanto, Thursday, October 28.

The fraud case was revealed after victim I Made Mudita reported it to the police. The perpetrator's mode is pretending to be able to help the victim to qualify as a PDAM employee.

From this fraud, the perpetrators received Rp. 110 million. The money from the perpetrator's confession was used for a cesarean section for the birth of a child, treatment for his wife and daily necessities.

"The perpetrator has also admitted to defrauding four other victims. Some of the money from the fraud was used for a cesarean section for the birth of his child, as well as for his wife's medical expenses and for daily needs," said the police chief.

The evidence that was secured was the receipt for the delivery of the money, including the statement letter for the delivery of the money. The perpetrators were charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code.

"Now the perpetrators and the evidence in the form of being secured at the Abiansemal Police for further proceedings," said the Sector Police Chief.

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