JAKARTA - Researcher from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Wien Kusharyoto said that there were 27 vaccine candidates out of 165 vaccines developed in the world, and entered into clinical trials stage 1-3.

"Of these 165 vaccines, 27 have entered the clinical trial stage in humans starting from stages 1-3," said a researcher from the LIPI Biotechnology Research Center Wien Kusharyoto as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 29.

Wien said, the target of vaccine development is to get a vaccine that is effective, safe and useful in protecting the majority of people from the possibility of contracting COVID-19.

He added, another challenge in vaccinating COVID-19 is producing, allocating and distributing vaccines so that they can be accessed by the whole world community.

Furthermore, Wien said, it is necessary to convince the public, especially those who have doubts about the COVID-19 vaccine. If a COVID-19 vaccine has been found, they are expected to be willing to use the vaccination.

Wien explained, there are more than 165 COVID-19 vaccines being developed in the world, most of which are still in the preclinical stage.

Among other things, the vaccine from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford in the UK is a vaccine based on chimpanzee adenovirus and will now enter phase III clinical trials.

The Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd developed an inactivated virus-based vaccine which is currently in clinical trial phase III.

The Sinovac vaccine from China is also in phase III clinical trials. This August, the stage III clinical trial will begin in Indonesia. Phase III clinical trials were also carried out in Brazil and Bangladesh.

The vaccine made by Moderna which is based on the mRNA vaccine will enter stage III and volunteer registration has started.

Clinical trials are systematic studies of various medical interventions carried out in humans to see the effectiveness and side effects that may result from administering vaccines.

In clinical trials, the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of pharmaceutical substances that are introduced into the human body are also studied in order to obtain information about the efficacy and safety of these pharmaceutical products.

In phase I clinical trials, the safety and immunogenicity of vaccines was carried out on several low-risk people, generally healthy young adults, to test for vaccine tolerability.

Phase II clinical trials are intended to monitor vaccine safety, potential for adverse effects, immune response, determine the optimal dose and schedule for vaccination.

Phase III clinical trials are aimed at looking at the efficacy of vaccines, in preventing targeted diseases and further observation of vaccine safety by involving a more diverse population and for a longer period of time.

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