JAYAPURA - The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) carried out a terror shooting in Intan Jaya Regency, Papua. Two children were shot, one of whom died.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papuan Police, Kombes A. M. Kamal, said that the Armed Criminal Group shot the Koramil Post and Sugapa Police, so that personnel returned fire and a gunfight occurred.

At the time of the gunfight, Tuesday, October 26, 2 children and their parents were active around the house, so they became targets of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). One person died and another child was shot in the back.

The victim's family, continued Kamal, wanted to take his two sons to the puskesmas but there were no medical personnel.

"In the evening, the victim's family reported the incident to the Sugapa Police," said Kombes Kamal in a written statement, Wednesday, October 27.

Apart from the community, during the day there were attacks on TNI members who were on patrol.

Currently, the TNI-Polri Joint personnel are still pursuing and securing security to anticipate the disturbance of Kamtibmas by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB).

"It is known that in the last 2 months the security and security situation has been relatively conducive, but with the KKB terror again acting, resulting in casualties from the community," said Kombes Kamal.

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