JAKARTA - Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 and Ambassador for the Adaptation of New Habits, Reisa Broto Asmoro, said the opening of religious activities during the COVID-19 pandemic must be based on guidelines from WHO.

"The basic guidelines made by the government to reopen (community activities including religion) are based on the WHO Public Health Security Measure or in Indonesia we call it the implementation of restrictions on community activities," Reisa said in a virtual discussion that was followed from Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 27. .

Reisa said that currently a number of public facilities, including places of worship, had begun to open as the number of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19.

The opening of various public facilities must of course meet several security requirements, in order to reduce the risk of transmission as low as possible.

"We need to be grateful that the indicators for controlling COVID-19 in Indonesia are getting better," he said.

He gave an example when monitoring the implementation of Prokes in Bali. At that time the Ngaben ceremony took place by inviting a lot of people, it could be done. This is because the positive confirmation rate, strict tracing, and the Bed Occupancy Ratio are in accordance with WHO standards.

"Then we will also look at the indicator that the BOR is below 10 percent, far below what the WHO has set at least below 60 percent," he said.

He said the government would continue to relax in various sectors if the 3T performance (testing, tracing, and treatment) went well, including vaccination coverage.

"Of course this is gradual and the activity is carried out after waiting 20 months, after conditions begin to become conducive. Of course, certain conditions must be met if you want to carry out religious activities in the community," he said.

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