JAKARTA - Two suspension bridge units in Muara Jaya District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra which were broken due to flash floods have been repaired so that community activities return to normal.

"Two suspension bridge units in Lontar and Lubuk Tupak villages, Muara Jaya sub-district which were heavily damaged by flash floods have been repaired," said Muara Jaya sub-district head Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), Dini Justini in Baturaja, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 26. .

He explained that after it collapsed due to the flash flood that occurred on Sunday, October 17, the repair of the suspension bridge was completed for five days by the Yonzipur TNI, assisted by the local community.

The acceleration of the repair of the bridge is carried out considering that the suspension bridge is the only closest access for the community to the neighboring village and to the residents' gardens on the other side of the river.

During the repair process, he said, public access had to be diverted using a concrete bridge in Karang Lantang Village, Pengandonan District, which was quite far from normal.

"Currently residents no longer have to travel long distances to neighboring villages because the repairs have been completed where the bridge floor has now been replaced with a new face that is stronger and stronger," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the OKU Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Amzar Kristopa separately stated that the bridges that were completed in Muara Jaya District were two of the four suspension bridge units that were heavily damaged by the flash floods last week.

"Two other bridge units are located in Gunung Meraksa Village, Pengandonan District and Tubohan Village, Semidang Aji District, which are currently still in the process of being repaired," he said. swept away by the current of the Ogan River.

In addition to the four suspension bridges, the flash flood due to high rainfall intensity and the overflow of the Ogan River also submerged hundreds of houses in the local area and damaged a number of public facilities such as village halls, mosques and schools which were flooded with water levels reaching 1.5 meters.

"Luckily there were no casualties in the natural disaster. However, the public is still advised to increase vigilance to anticipate further flooding so as not to cause casualties," he said.

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